It has come to our attention that certain individuals falsely assert their association with the Pilipinas Samurai Foundation and engage in activities that could potentially harm our reputation, mislead the public, and compromise the trust we’ve built within our community.
Please be aware of the following key points:
False Representation:
There are individuals falsely claiming to be part of the Pilipinas Samurai Foundation or claim to have founded it. They may be reaching out to members of our community, partners, or stakeholders, attempting to gain trust for personal gain. We want to emphasize that these individuals are not affiliated with us. Please refer to the following link for the list of trustees involved with the Foundation.
Official Channels of Communication:
All official communications from the Pilipinas Samurai Foundation will be conducted through recognized and established channels. If you receive any communication that raises doubts, kindly verify its authenticity through our official website, email addresses, or other officially sanctioned contact points.
Thank you for your immediate attention to this matter.
当財団に所属しているか、または設立したかのように装っている個人・組織にご注意ください。情報の確認: 当財団に関する情報は、公式ウェブサイト・公式チャンネルを通じて確認してください。信憑性のない情報に惑わされないように注意してください。